Your visit to us, what to expect:
We are pleased you have an appointment with us and would like to make you aware of our new procedures. At this difficult time, we have the constraints of social distancing, new infection control regimes and shortages of PPE so your visit to us will not be as it was in the past.
We want to control the number of people in the waiting room, so we have a locked door policy. Your journey at the practice has already begun with your consultation over the phone with our dentist. On the day you will be greeted at the practice by a staff member who will screen you for Covid -19, provide you with some hand gel and a mask if you do not have one. At this point we will ask you to pay for the treatment you are about receive and any other clerical tasks required, if you have not done so already. This is to keep contact with reception staff to a minimum. You will then be escorted to your surgery where your dentist will be waiting for you. After treatment you will leave by a different exit.
To help us with social distancing we ask you to:
Please come on time not before or after the appointment. If you are early, we would like you to wait in your car and ring us to let us know you are here, and we will ring when we are ready. If you’re on foot and early you may be able to wait in our garden.
Come on your own (children and people who need assistance are excused from this)
Bring as few personal belongings with you as possible.
Please bring a mask with you that can be worn in the building.
If you are paying for you r treatment on the premises please pay by card.
We are trying to restrict use of the toilets. They will be available on request.
If you have discomfort after your appointment, please contact us by phone do not visit the practice directly.
Please bring a list of your medicication
If you have any queries, please contact us.
The Butts Team